September Reflection


by Bree Carroll


During the month of September, we paused to focus on our service families. This is a stressful time of the year: kids are back in school, we are getting used to new schedules, and the holidays are right around the corner. It is all too easy to start feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of day-to-day life, to start feeling like we are not meeting the mark, or to start feeling unseen and unappreciated. These situations often lead to feeling helpless and alone; this is why we want to take the time to acknowledge suicide awareness.

Suicide awareness is a proactive effort to raise awareness around suicidal behaviors. Talking about suicide, raising awareness, and removing social stigmas surrounding suicide can help save lives. Take the time to check in with yourself and your loved ones. Take the time to ask questions like “How are you really doing?” Asking these questions can open the door to hearing tough realities and answers we are not prepared for, but they also offer hope and a show of support. They say “I am here for you, I am listening.”

The National Alliance on Mental Illness recognizes Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (SPAM) every year in September. And even though this month has come to an end, we want you to know that you are not alone. Our mission exists to save lives by providing the unique tools service couples need to save their marriage, their family, and each other. Studies have shown that relationship problems are linked to over 80% of deaths by suicide. Here are a few resources to help you navigate the crisis.

Crisis Resources:

  • If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, call or text 988 immediately.

  • If you are uncomfortable talking on the phone, you can chat with the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at

  • If you’re seeking support in your marriage relationship, apply for TACKF’s program at


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